2006 From the series A Few Words, ink on paper, 100 x 70 cm

2006 From the series A Few Words, ink on paper, 100 x 70 cm

2009 ink on paper, 100 x 70 cm

2010, A Place is a Space, ink on paper and frame, 160 x 240 cm

2011 Didi, Ink on paper and frame, 100 x 75 cm

2011 Escuela del Sur, Indian ink, pencil and charcoal on paper, 100 x 70 cm

2014 Indian ink on paper, 180 x 150 cm aprox

2014 indian ink on paper, 180 x 150 cm

2014 A Drawing, ink on paper, 180 x 150 cm aprox each

2011 Heaven Is a Place, indian ink on geography book, 146 x 2016 cm

2011 Turin Shroud, El Paño de Milán, indian ink on bandana / Tinta sobre paliacate, 40 x 40 cm (Private Collection, Uruguay)

2013 Tinta sobre imagen impresa / indian ink on print, 27 x 27 cm (Private Collection, Sweden)

2011 Monumento lento / Slow Monument, tinta y acuarela sobre papel / ink and water color on paper, 100 x 70 cm (Private Collection, Uruguay)

2011 Tatoos, indian ink and sanguine on paper, 70 x 50 cm

2013 water color and ink on paper, 100 x 70 cm

2014 indian ink, acrylic and pastel on paper, 180 x 150 cm

2009 watercolor, acrylic and pastel on paper, 112 x 120 cm (Private Collection, Chile)
2014 Tinta sobre papel / Indian ink on paper, 132 x 274 cm

2011 Siluetas/Ni Tú ni Yo / Silhouette/Neither You or Me, carbón y sanguina sobre papel / charcoal and sanguine on paper, 170 x 140 cm

2013 Sanguine and charcoal on paper, 180 x 150 cm (Private Collection, Costa Rica)

2015 El Otro Soy Tú, carbón, sanguina y tinta china sobre papel, 84 x 59 cm

2014 Mapa del mundo (jueves) / Map of the World/Thursday, acrílico sobre papel / acrylic on paper, 180 x 150 cm