1997 A Painting Representing Space, Miami Art Museum, USA

1997 A Painting Representing Space, Miami Art Museum, USA

Pared pintada con tierra,  pinturas y dibujos de mi padre con mis títulos, paneles de madera y micrófonos / Wall painted with soil,  my father´s paintings and drawings with my own titles, wooden panels and microphones

1997 A Painting Representing Space, Miami Art Museum, USA

¨Retrato de mi abuelo pintado por mi padre¨ y micrófono / ¨Portrait of my grandfather painted by my father¨ and microphone

1997 A Painting Representing Space, Miami Art Museum, USA

Un espacio en el espacio: pigmento y leche de madre sobre tela paredes pintadas con leche, coca-cola y vino, parlantes, botellas vacías, vasos con agua sobre repisas, palos y cinta adhesiva  / A space in the space: pigment and breast milk on canvas, walls painted with milk, coca-cola, wine and ink, speakers, empty bottles, glasses of water on shelfs, sticks and masking tape

1997 A Painting Representing Space, Miami Art Museum, USA

Detalles / Details 

Parlantes que amplificaban sonidos producidos ante las obras de mi padre / Speakers amplifying the sound in front of my father´s works.


Citas impresas como tarjetas de visita puestas en pequeñas cajas en el espacio de la muestra / Quotations in the shape of visiting cards disposed in small boxes in the exhibition room

¨Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can’t are both right

                                                 Barbara Stanwick


 “ It is not merely that the other is a mystery to the self: it is that the other is a mystery of the self”

                                                   Audrey Hepburn


 “ Seen this way, the self is not a perceived object, but a mental object, created by an organizing operation performed on a stream of impressions which in themselves lack such organization”

                                                     Paul Auster


 “ Ethnography renders the Other’s identity to ourselves and, via the conditions in which it is executed, back to the Other. By speaking of him, or for him, we ultimately force him to speak through our categories. This works adequately in conditions of empire, or stable hegemony and a clear hierarchy of identities. But where such conditions begin to disintegrate, its correlative discourses lose their authority, not only because we ourselves come to the realization that we can no longer simply re-present them, but because they will not let us to do so. Their self-identification interferes with our identification of them.”

                                               Sean Connery


 “ In a sense, to stand in two places is to stand in both presence and in representation. For representations are not simply less real that what they represent; they are also real in that “representations are social facts”. They are not, in other words, just represences, but presences. They are part of ourselves.”

                                               Sharon Stone


 “ If one wished to escape the other, the self can only sink into it, fusing with it so neither self nor other remains to be seen. If it wishes to absorb the other into itself and enrich itself through otherness, the self, drawn out of its limits, can only force the other into new forms of otherness.”

                                                 Robert Mitchum
