1988 Como hojas en el viento /  As leafs to the wind, Tierra y tinta china sobre papel / soil and ink on paper, 109 x 152 cm (Private Collection, Sweden)

1992 Pierde la cabeza / Losing is mind, tierra, pigmentos, tinta, cera y ceniza sobre papel / soil, pigments, ink, bee wax and ashes on paper, 50 x 40 cm (Private Collection, Sweden)

1992 pigmentos y tinta sobre papel / pigments and ink on paper, 150 x 70 cm (Private Collection)

1992 Pigmentos y tinta sobre tela  / pigments and ink on canvas, 160 x 150 cm (Private Collection)

1992 Pigmentos y tinta sobre tela  / pigments and ink on canvas, 160 x 150 cm (Private Collection Colombia)

1994 pigmentos, tierra y tinta china sobre tela / pigments, soil and in on canvas, 168 x 131 cm (Daniel Yankellewitz Collection, Costa Rica )

1996 acrílico y tinta sobre tela / acrylic and ink on canvas, 165 x 140 cm, (Daniel Yankellewitz Collection, Costa Rica) 


1996 pigmentos, tierra y acrílico sobre tela / pigments, soil and acrylic on canvas (Private Collection, Colombia)


1997 pigmentos y leche materna sobre tela / pigments and breast milk on canvas, 47 x 39 cm cada panel / 47 x 39 cm each panel, (Private Collection, Sweden)

1997 pigmentos, tierra y tinta sobre tela / pigments, soil and ink on canvas, 40 x 150 cm (Private collection)

1997 leche de madre, pigmentos y barniz sobre tela / breast milk, pigments and varnish on canvas, 70 c 95 cm (Private Collection)

1997 pigmentos y tinta sobre tela / pigments and ink on canvas, 120 x 165 cm, (Private Collection, Uruguay)

1998 pigmentos y tinta sobre tela / pigments and ink on canvas, 150 x 220 cm (private Collection Venezuela)